Sunday, September 14, 2008

Facing the sun with shadows behind my back... :P

Someone once told me,
face forward and keep walking towards the sun,
And you will cast all your shadows behind you.

Conventionally, this translates to the notion of
consistently looking at the bright side of any given situation and
not focus on the short comings of which the given situation brings.
At the same time this proverb subtly hints that in any given situation
there is always always a bright side.
Its just a matter of us turning our heads and look at things in a different light, hence "facing the sun".

However, more recently I have an alternate opinion of this proverb
and what "they" don't tell you.
Funny how "they" sugar coat all the airy fairy stuff
and conveniently leave the bitter pits behind for you to savor after.
What they don't tell you is that
The more you face the sun,
The closer you walk towards the sun,
You are bound to get burnt.
Think about it.... how long can you last with all the ultra violet rays
gently bouncing of your supple skin.
Sooner of later something gonna give.

Of late, times have been trying and
during these trying times,
I try to dig up inspirational proverbs to pacify my heavy thoughts...
I embraced the "face the sun" proverb ever so eagerly....
And the more trying times became,
the more I try to become learned on the intricacies of facing the sun.
And what I got was a burnt face.... the harder I try, they darker i become.

So, whilst it may be true that facing the sun brings sunlight to your face...
and that very sunlight burns my face....

So much for the proverb....
Now, will someone pass me some sun block before I get burnt to a crisp...