Sunday, September 21, 2008


Sister to the more rigid uncurled linear line.
Curves makes an interesting sight.
Some raises my eye brow as do the beatings of my heart, much like the ones above,
Others can be found on exotic automobiles which
exists in the dreams of many and a reality of the few.
In most cases, curves make more interesting sights than its linear sibling.

That being verbalised,
I have to throw some caution to the air,
for taken to the extreme,
curves can be a visual displeasure,
or worse,
it can cast you into an abyss where it makes the cruelest of mentors.

For me, some curves are inching towards the extreme end.
No, I am not insinuating to any visual displeasure of my physical state,
though age does seem to compound the pounds around the abdominal region.

The curve which I am trying to insinuate to makes close ties to
deep waters,
harsh mentors, and
a cascade of never ending enduring lessons and tests
which hurls ripples of strong current waves towards my private life.
Indeed, the learning curves which I am launched into
the past few months have been distractingly provocative,
even my most zealous demeanor is often striving to stay afloat amidst
the inflow of lessons and tests coming my way.

At times, it feels as though before one lesson is over,
another is starting.
And before those two lessons are over,
I feel that I am in the midst of a test.
What an unnerving feeling.

But I am still threading in this ocean
just barely enough to stay afloat.
And while in that moment, I am slowly trying to
reconstruct the jigsaw pieces together,
Trying my utmost to decipher this certification
to which this sea of lessons I am entangled in.

Currently, I haven't the faintest idea
of what I am suppose to ultimately learn and
what skills I am suppose to acquire.
All I comprehend is that I have to go through all the lessons
before I can graduate and proceed.
Still don't know what lesson number I am at and
how many more to go.
And there doesn't seem to have an end in sight.

To forge this into perspective,
the lessons I am entrusted to complete stretches my endurance,
the tests I go through thrusts my prowess to the brink of my capabilities,
the learning curve I unknowingly commit myself into swings me
through bends at a moment's notice; forcing me to act dynamically in a fickle manner.
I am feeling so fatigued....

....I wish I had the box of the jigsaw which
depicts the finished composition;
makes easier digestion of the lessons,
tests and learning curves I have to muster.

While I do appreciate curves for all its beauty and splendor,
I do dread the ones I experiencing.
And as I experience and participate in more curvaceous activities,
I do hope that sometime in the near foreseeable future,
the coming activities will revolve around the right kind of curves,
ones which raises my eye brow and the beatings of my heart. ;)