Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It is unusual for me to pen down political issues,
However, due to some current issues which has arisen in my country,
I will make the exception.
My motivation and rationalisation to vocalize this is not based on politics,
It deals with personal principles which one stands by;
Which in my view for this case is exemplary.

To succinctly put things into perspective,
Our country's de facto Law Minister (Datuk Zaid Ibrahim) resigned his post,
Due to the fact that the execution and application of my country's constitution
has been mis-interpreted and abused by current ministers of the cabinet.

While I will refrain from making comments on what has happened,
the key point to be made here is the fact that
ZI stood by his principles and left his post
citing that he could not make a difference
in catalyzing the much needed transformation in the country's judiciary system.
He rather quit than being associated with a group
who are against his integrity and personal principles.

This in my perspective is something to be respected.
Not only has he risen to the occasion,
he was able to attain perspectives with such clarity.
The clarity to differentiate issues,
what is right and needs be done.

Often we (which includes me) are faced with similar issues and
the question we need to ask ourselves is
"Given a similar circumstance, are we able to rise above the clutter,
and achieve the altitude to see a clearer perspective,
and in doing so, uphold our integrity regardless?"

I hope so....

Hence, to Zaid Ibrahim,
you have my utmost respect.
Your current actions stands as a benchmark for us all.