Thursday, January 11, 2001


Let’s talk Detox,

This term commonly refers to the removal of toxic substances from the body. As you initiate this process, the body goes into shock and you will get adverse effects.
Effects that makes you wage battle in which the mind tries to outwit the physical body, and the body reciprocates with shock signals firing and retaliating at the mind’s will. That is what detoxification does to you.

What if we need to detox a love which was once an abundant resource like air we breathe, but is now rotting, intoxicating and violating us with an overwhelming and endless feeling of emptiness like the abyss of space. If physical detox was a battle between the mind versus the body,
Emotional detox is a battle within the mind.

Oh how can we escape the clutches of our own mind. Every reflection, every idle moment, every sight seems to depict the sorrowful chapter over and over and over…. Someone please shut that damn repeat button off!!! Laying down like a fetal, craving for the warm that isn’t there… desperate for a quick fix.

We muster whatever remains of our strength and courage for a desperate attempt to crawl out of this dark abyss… only to be defeated by sounds of inevitability, our inevitable need to hang on…Sigh! Futile, absolutely futile…

However, as any story goes, there is a silverlining to be discovered, depending on how you perceive it… Precisely, how you perceive it…..
With help, persistence and a string of steadfast and relentless confidants, you will soon awake from this drunkenness, with the realization of what seems to be a different perspective. Good, bad, optimistic, pessimistic, constructive, destructive, the path lies before our eyes and our minds.

And so the journey concludes yet another turbulent chapter in my life. It may be the first,but it certainly won’t be the last. The key element which separates each turbulent situation we come eye to eye with is how we perceive and adopt each and every wisdom treasure we benefitted from past experiences. Yes, I have gained perspective.

Perspective which drives determination, Perspectives which harnesses discipline, Perspectives to allow another to gently thread into the delicate domains of the heart. Indeed, Perspectives drive change ….. and this change is our own mental way of detoxification.