Sunday, July 27, 2008

His inspiration lives on......

I just found out that last friday (26th July 2008), one of the many who inspires me has moved on... GOD bless his soul. I was so inspired by this person I made an entry about him.

Dr. Randy Pausch was a brilliant man, I respected him for that, even more so, I was inspired his perspectives on life and how to live it. His "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted" is deeply ingrained within me. You see, Dr. Randy suffered from pancreatic cancer and no matter what happened subsequently, he decided to live his remaining days being positive and living it in accordance to what is important to him. For those are not familiar, Dr. Randy is famous for many things, and the one which struck out the most is his "Last Lecture" speech at Carnegie Melon. This man is so generous. I still remember the part of the video where the whole lecture hall is focused on him and he decided to focus that attention to his wife.. whose birthday was shadowed by his lecture. So, he brought his wife up, brought in the cake and sang happy birthday to her... and this was the time where he was suppose to give his last lecture at Carnegie.

In his "Last Lecture", vivid images of him telling how to live life was inspiring. It humbled me, and sort of extracted me from my need for material things and how sometimes I place it above to those above me. Randy woke me up with his inspiring speech. He touched my life and changed my life by just living his. And the funny truth is that he didn't even mean to teach the lesson to the rest of us.... all he wanted was to give that speech to his kids; and in doing so, he touched millions of lives; mine included.

Here's to Dr. Randy Pausch.
May he rest in peace with GOD.
And may his inspiration live on deep within us.

My condolences to his wife and kids.

Here is the link of his passing.
A few more links which serves as a memorial for Randy Pausch
- from Carnegie Melon
- from Wikipedia