Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Reflections: The Jumper (Part 2)

On the cliff edge,
Deep breaths,
Racing heartbeats,
Bounded legs,
Tense nerves,
Swelling anxieties,
Contradicting thoughts,
I can think of no better moment to do this.
I can think of no better way to go.
There is no turning back now.
I must face this head on, I must….

Three, Two, One…. BUNGY!

And with a flying kiss of victory in front of the video camera,
I leaned forward.
My nerves are still intact and as concrete as can be,
Slowly, the gradient of my body descents….to the point of no return.
At that point, a devastating sensation of fear engulfs me,
shooting fear down my spine and firing panic signals simultaneously throughout my body.
And for that one minuscule point… time for me slowed to a standstill….
Though cliché, my life flashed before my mind and my eyes.
All the things I did, good or bad got together and decided hold a mardi gras in my mind.
What I did, what I didn’t, what I wanted to do, what I needed to do,
all jumbled up into one intricate kaleidoscope of visions.
What was a split second in reality, felt like a lifetime.

As I continued my rapid descent, more and more thoughts piled through my mind.
And then I had a moment of sudden understanding or revelation.
I had visions of what I can do better, what I ought to do and what I am required to do.
I understand my purpose, my passion and my zeal.

A gentle tug at my feet, breaks my mesmerized state and brings me back to the situation at hand.
I realized that I have arrived at the recoil point,
and with a gentle increase in tension, I was swept back up in an accelerated manner.
Ascending rapidly, I found myself hurtling towards the platform from where I leaped,
Moving closer towards a viewing window fixated in the middle of the platform.
And in my energized state, I sent a flirtatious flying kiss to all the viewers looking down upon me.
I could hear the ladies cheer on as I once again fall prey to gravity.

By then I am drunk with the sense of excitement and achievement.
Probably due to the flood of adrenaline pumping through my veins.
Once my bounce lost all its momentum, I was released from my binds and ferried to the riverbank.
There I sat feeling extremely exhilarated on my achievement and ready to take on the world.
Over the next hour or so, I was joined by my other Bungy counterparts,
each feeling ecstatic, each owning our personal epiphanies.
As the night returns, we sat around once more recollecting our achievements.
Though I am unable to express what my counterparts took away that day,
For me, I came out a changed person.
I felt strong, confident and vigorous.
That I am able to overcome whatever that crosses my path.
To do whatever I want to do and to achieve whatever I want to achieve.
What’s next? Skydiving? Diving with Great Whites? Surfing? Speed Skating?
Who knows? But whatever it is I choose to do…
I know I can do it!

….now, if only I can distinguish which part is the adrenaline talking and what comes from within….


After reaching home, I ran my Bungy video to share the experience with friends.
As we watched the part where I leaped, we heard “Damn! Missed by a few inches!”
Those 2 kiwi operators had every intention of dunking me into the ravine. B*st*rds!

A year later, I had my second jump down in Queenstown off a suspended cable carriage.
Higher and more intense.
About 134 meters at Nevis Highwire Bungy. (About 439 ft)
Though the increase in intensity, it wasn’t as memorable as Taupo.
But I enjoyed it immensely anyway.
And if I have the chance to do it again, I will do it without any hesitation!

Oh, you must be wondering why I don’t talk much about my second jump...
Well, mum accidently found the video of my first jump in my bag when I came home for summer holidays and the rest was history.
She made me swear not to gamble my life like that ever again.
Hence officially, there wasn’t a second jump.
Shhhh! :p