Monday, April 7, 2008

Adult Things...

I just decided to do the adult thing and look into buying things which I Need rather what I Wanted.

I wanted a nice long holiday, travelling in central europe.
Still am really keen on it. Oh, how I wanted that. To go gallivanting in Prague. I even looked for theatre performances in Prague.

However, my more mature side told me I needed something more staple and closer to home. I needed a nice bed, and to furnish my home with nice curtains. My bed was a hand me down from my brother in 2000. And my house has DIY curtains which looks awful. Time to upgrade and buy.

Am looking into it, and goodness! It costs a bomb to get a relatively nice bed and a set of curtains.

Who'd think that I would get this domesticated and look at beds and curtains. Its been long overdue, hence I need to look into it.

Hmm... after this purchase, maybe I will save up and go for things I want next year. :P (*Still hopeful ;P *)