Sunday, March 16, 2008


Its been about a year since my last blog post. Yes loads of changes since then. Perspectives changed, environment changed, still Philosophical though. Been reinventing myself again and again. Challenging myself on career matters and trying to get back on being the adventurous dude I was yonks ago.

Some of you may ask why start again suddenly? Well, part of reinventing myself again. For the past few years, I have moved from Business Biz Dev roles to Management Consulting Roles then sort of fell into technical consulting and now have made a concious decision to move into a softer field. HR Consulting. How does that relate to me resurrecting my blog? Well, being in Management anf Technical Consulting I have to say I got introverted. Hiding in my lil cubby hole and occupying myself reports, frameworks, PM skills, learning technical jargons and also for most part hiding my emotions due to past relationship experience (BTW, Experience is what you get when you dont get what you wanted - Dr. Randy Pausch). This was my constructive way in dealing with relationship experiences. But now, am reinventing myself by going into a softer skill environment, and there is a need to be more open, people oriented and gain some soft skills. Hence, this blog will be part of my reinvention.

Will move my older posts from my last blog location over. Not all but the more significant ones, plus all my other jottings from all over the net. Consolidation time. :)

Am going to be more consistent with my posts and the first port of call is to get a digi cam to capture and share my new chronicles.

Till my next updated post, Cheers! :)