Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pattern Shifts

Last night, I had insightful discussion with a very close friend; one whom I call my spiritual sibling. Don’t ask me why or how come? It just feels right as he is one of those very few whom I have no qualms expressing my inner thoughts to. And time and time again, he has broaden my perspectives.

The topic of discussion was on how we as human beings function through a series of patterns. How we eat, how we wear stuff, thought process, things we choose to do…. The crux of the discussion was in reference to the dissatisfaction, unhappiness, frustrations, depressions, one feels at a particular point in time. And the reason one would feel that way is attributed to the patterns in which they live by. Usually when a person already feels the negative emotions of his/her life, it’s probably too late to mitigate the situation.

The remedy as he so wisely pointed out is to shift living patterns to negate negative emotions; its what he describes it as pattern shift. While the privilege few may have been exempted from such a situation, the rest of us would have gone through this in one way or another.

This thought really propels those electrical charges within my brain. Reason being is that while I was looking fine on the outside, I was in a slight melancholic state inside. Thankfully, I am changing my living patterns and in the midst of transitioning into another phase in my life. It feels good; for now.

And so I will leave you dear readers with this thought, for the men and the women who feels trapped within the clutches and confines of your life or a part thereof. Trace your patterns. Trace your patterns to the happy trails which casts the warm sunlight against your face, where flowers bloom and breathless sights endlessly encapsulates your peripheral vision, and stay there. You belong there. And for those patterns which casts a tall dark shadow over your world, fills your heart with yearnings which supresses your fiery passion filled spirit from the days of your innocent past, I say exchange it. Exchange it for one which sparks and fans flames of passion within and nurtures your field of dreams and wait for it to bloom.

Bloom, Baby, Bloom!