Monday, June 12, 2006

A day of rememberence...

5th June 2006 is a day of much grieve and rememberence for me, as that is the date which my dearest Grandmother passed away. She was 86 years old. To all my friends, thank you for all your support and condolences. Appreciate it.

Had to give an eulogy during the funeral, and I talked about the thing I would most remember her by.... a strong characteristic about my grandmother. Whenever I think of my granny, she often strikes me as a person of great strength; physically and mentally. She brought up a family during the WWII alone as my grandad was taken away during the Japanese occupation. Then some ten years ago, she was proud that she bashed a cobra who entered her home. I was afraid for her as she was then 70+ years old with a heart condition.

However, about a year ago when we first become aware of her condition, did I really see her true strength... her spiritual strength. Despite her illness, she stayed strong and faithful to GOD, always insisting to participate in Holy Communion even when she was immobile and could not sit for long periods of time. She sat through the whole communion, and in GOD she found strength and peace.

This inner strength came out during my daily calls to her for the past year. She would constantly remind me of GOD and how HE gives her strength, comfort and peace. I could even hear the calmness and peace as she told me this. Throughout her battle with cancer, she didn't complain much about her paint and I believe that GOD had given her the strength through her illness. Truely, HIS greatness knows no bounds, and I thank GOD for being by my grandmother's side throughout her life and especially during her illness. And I thank GOD for giving her peace as HE took her home with HIM. Though I am grieving of her physical departure, I am relieve that she is with GOD, and definately in good hands. Her strength lives within me and will forevermore serve as a guide to HIS strength. Rest in HIS grace and peace be with you, Grandma. I love you. :_) My life will be forever changed.

On a lighter note, my Grandmother left behind her beloved pets.. all kept her company and gave her great joy. A cat named "Tiger" and a Dog named "Spotty".

"Tiger" the cat. Tis not hard to see why granny named it "Tiger". But he's actually quite tame. Super affectionate....

"Spotty" the dog. Hyperactive and SuperYappy. It was tough getting these shots as he was always running around. Thank god for Digital Cameras. :P And you can see, he is such a poser. Cute and Hyperactive.... great... thats all we need. ;)