Thursday, November 20, 2008

Irony after irony

It seems that irony has a sense of cruelty
in that it hands you victory only to
slap you with defeat though the very victory it granted.

Indeed, many fall victim to this
and you cannot do anything about it.
And while futility looms above,
I pray that GOD will intervene
and grant me the ability to overcome irony's antics.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


In a startling revelation.....
Hows that for a dramatic begining? ;)
I inched closer on my understanding on
my serendipitous encounters with 7s.

Well, its all theoratical at the moment but.....
Do you know that....
My Birthday Day and Month forms the number 7 in binary?

And here is a depiction of what a person of number 7 would be....

Significance Of Number 7
You set high standards, achieve them yourself and expect others to follow them. You have a keen analytical approach in whatever you do. You think first and act according to the decision arrived at. In any case, you are not an individual of rash action. You have a quick grasp of matters and you love fast decisions. You are a perfectionist of the first order. You can not tolerate the habit of messing up things and wish to have everything in apple-pie order.

You maintain good connections with people, but you watch each of their reactions in a guarded manner. You are very quick to sort out insincere people and you strictly avoid them. Your friend’s circle is limited but you know the art of maintaining friendship. A fresher will find it difficult to enter your heart, unless you are sure about the real intentions of such an individual. Your ready wit is your asset. Others are attracted by this quality. You are not an introvert, but at the same time, you have exclusiveness about you. You mix freely with the people, and yet maintain your essential dignity. It takes time for you to develop friendships but you do believe in long term relationships. You don't like associations like clubs or groups of similar nature.

Many ways of the modern life don't interest you. You find them to be a waste of time and money. You have your dreams and do require some time to be alone. You think continuously on one issue or the other and deeply involve in finding solutions for them. You hate crowds and confusion. A corner seat in the park interests you more than a group discussing politics or engaged in devotional songs. You like spirituality of a different type.

You are wiling to acquire knowledge from any source. You make a careful analysis of the subject, before accepting any findings. Majority views, unless they are correct according to you, have no value for you. You believe in making others follow you, not following others. But, you don't like blind following either. You first convince the people and expect that their accepting your views must be a voluntary action. There is absolutely no compulsion in your dealings. You are wiling to learn from an ordinary, humble and uneducated worker as well as from a brilliant thinker and philosopher.

As a spiritual person, you are very special. You give absolute loyalty to the person, institution to which you belong. You have fixed views and you can not change. This does not mean that you are rigid, but your disposition sometimes, gives that impression. You are always willing to listen to the views of others, and do not expect them to follow your views blindly.

You value experience more, than empty advice from others. You love the “College of Self-Education,” than mere bookish knowledge.

That sums me up doncha think? ;p
Just something interesting.


After visiting,
I am often asked by them,
Why the sudden solemness in the topics
Which I write for the past few months?

The topics of choice concerning
eternal conflicts,
seems to form elements of a barren darkness
which is seldom seen on my daily expressions.

Well, thanks for all the concerns.
But I assure you that I am alright.
Its just the melancholic side of me expressing itself.
Its my way of expressing my
on things within and around me.

This is who I am.

This is my channel for exit on all the negativity.
And I choose to do it in solemness.
And there are many ways,
Just that I am committed to this one,
and it is working ok for me.
And in some twisted amalgamated concoction,
it helps me think and chart out a path for solution.

Search meticulously and deeply within yourselves,
You will have in one way or another experience
the sort of things I have previously written about.
And in intricate revelations, you will find that
you too will have your own expression for such negative matter.
And some will choose to verbally express it,
Some emotionally,
Some physically,
Some a combination of the above.
Make mine mental.

And for me,
As I release the negativities thru my musings
And subsequently, descriptively penned down in my incognito writings,
I feel liberated from the burdens of
troublesome thoughts
infelicitous incidences and
haphazard happenings.
Well,... sometimes running alone helps too...
As Murakami-san so rightly puts it.
(Gives me the mental solumeness to think).

Hence, I am good amidst these turbulent times.
Thanks for all the concerns.
(You all know who you are)
I appreciate it.

Before I pen off,
Just a fleeting thought,
The next time you read
a posting depicting the twilight of my turbulent surroundings,
Just remember, this balances the lighter side which the majority sees.

................Welcome to my musings...... :)