Friday, July 28, 2006

Dolby Surround 5.2

Yeah, we all heard of dolby surround 5.1, 7.1, THX and the lot. But have any of you had the exquisite experience of sitting in a cinema with Dolby surround 5.1 + 0.1? Ah... I had the experience tonight. Cyrene, Matt and me got together for a movie... Pirates 2. In we went into the theather with me stuffing myself full of pop corn. The lights dim.... and out of the corner of my eye, a girl sat next to me.. and I thought.. hello! this seems promising. The movie started and beofre I knew it, Ms. dolby surround + 0.1 started screaming with the littlest of scares from the movie. And I mean real screams.. not like one of those sheepish yelps you get when u step from a toy dog's tail... this was full blown scream. Over the course of the movie, any little exciting or nervous scecne... Ms. Dolby Surround would grace me with her + 0.1 sound effects.... and it was annoying. I can understand if we were watching a horror movie like Ju-on, The Ring or even Shaylaman's movies..but c'mon, Pirates of the Carribean 2? You got to be kidding me!
At one point in the movie, as she was again contributing her Dolby Surround + 0.1 screams, she was quaking with fear. I thought she was going into a seizure. In my opinion, I think she doesnt watch movies much..... how on earth can you not expect something to happen when the charaters says that there is something going to happen.... sheesh!
Anyway, what Cyrene and Matt says is true... she got her money's worth. She got the full experience of movie watching and she was fully engrossed into the movie plot, sub plots and sub-sub plots. After that.... I felt cheated of my money... as I didnt have the same experience. ;) Maybe I shall try to squeel abit in Pirates 3.... and if Ms. Dolby is around.... then it will be a world's first dolby surround 5.1 + 0.2 :P and that I pray will not happen......

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The journey....

Well, seems that I have come back. Have been a tough couple of weeks, especially with revelations after revelations.

Was recently made known of another relative (auntie) who is battling cancer too. Didn't know this, but she has been fighting the illness for the past 5 years; and I just found out last weekend. How I came about knowing was that the other relatives were having a mini celebration of her art book which she had done while facing her illness. She found peace and tranquility in her self taught art. All this time, and I didnt even know about it....

In the midst of the mini party, suddenly dawned on me on how focus I am. Sounds cliche, but I am focused on my destinations and not being mindful of the journey... my journey. This made me think abit... should probably start training myself to appreciate the little things that happen around me... the little gestures, the small miracles which I tend to brush off as being irrelevant in my life... Anyway, think its time I learn to appreciate things and people around me. For those who are in my circle, near, cyber or far, (you won't hear me saying this very often), Thanks for being there. Appreciate everything you guys and gals do. The journey so far has been great, looking forward to the coming journeys with you lot!

Sunday, July 2, 2006


After some time of silence.... I guess eventually I have to resurface.... and that I have. To kick things started once again.. I would like to post some things I came across recently....
First up is this cool yet scary toy... depending on how you view it....

What a brilliant disguise! Thumbdrive storage within a teddy bear. I personally like it. But as a friend pointed out... its scary when you acutally plug it into the PC... like the Bear has its head shoved up into the USB port... not too pleasant..... to the bear at least.. but heck I think its cool!.
The other thing I found, it prove that Global Warming does exist!... I mean look at the proof!

No doubt, global warming is really rampant! ;)