Thursday, August 20, 2009

I am soo blessed!!!

I realise that I am.....

...not the most easy person to live with,
...bottle up, my temper in silence,
...get disengaged when things dont go my way,

But I am blessed with those around me
who put up with my imperfections,
and I have alot to be thankful for.

For that, I would like to thank all of the one(s) who,
...helps me constantly regardless of my situation,
...puts up with my temper, supremely patient with me,
...lends a listening ear when I am ranting,
...guides me when I am lost,
...accompanies me when I am lost,
...pushes me when I get complacent,
...motivates me when I get lazy,
...inspires me when I drift aimlessly,
...helps me see above and beyond my peripheral vision,
...nurses me when I am sick,
...provides for me when empty,
...makes me whole when parts of me are missing.

I THANK ALL OF YOU for being there when I needed you most.

Most of all I thank GOD for rounding these outstanding individuals to aide me.

Bless you all.